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Authentic Narratives for Lasting Impact

Uncover the magic of storytelling with us at Crazy Family Productions. We believe in the authenticity and impact of every narrative. Our team of passionate filmmakers and creatives is committed to translating your vision into reality. Whether it's a compelling marketing film, a standout product video, or a documentary for your venture, we are here to support you. Share your story with us, and together, we'll create meaningful and socially responsible content that leaves a lasting impression.

CFP: Crazy is the new Normal
Bridging the Soaps - trailer 4K 20231207

Bridging the Soaps - trailer 4K 20231207

主持人 Co-hosts 陳志強 John CHEN 王宇婕 Margaret WANG 藝術家 Performing Artist Guests 京劇演員 Peking Opera/黃宇琳 HUANG Yu-ling 聲樂家 Opera/朱育陞 CHU Yu-shen 舞蹈家 Contemporary Dance/周書毅 CHOU Shu-yi 豎琴家 Harp/管伊文 KUANG Yi-wen 影像製作統籌 Conceptualized & Produced by 瘋狂家族影像製作有限公司 Crazy Family Productions 導演&編劇 / 呂威聯 Director&Writer / William LU 副導演 / 彭筱茵 Assistant Director / PENG Hsiao-yin 製片 / 奕程 Producer / Ryan LIEN 現場製片/技術協調 Line Producer&Technical Coordinator / George CHEN 製片助理 / 鍾佳霖 溫郁庭 顏毓容 Production Assistants / Lindsey ZHONG, Rita WEN, Roxanne YEN 攝影指導 / 韓愍 Director of Photography / HAN min 攝影師 / 張駿献 蕭郁錡 洪端宏 Camera Operators / Nelson CHANG, HSIAO Yu-chi, Leo HONG 跟焦師 / 李承翰 Focus Puller / LI Chang-han 檔案管理 曾柏勳 Data Wrangler / Reork TSENG 燈光師 / 李科模 Gaffer / LI Ke-mo 燈光助理 / 鄭兆為 黃鈺倫 Best Boys / CHENG Chao-wei, HUANG Yu-lun 現場錄音師 / 李俊逸 Production Sound Mixer / LI Chun-yi 收音員 / 李小鬼 曹禹辰 Boom Operators / Dawn LEE, TSAO Yu-chen 主持人妝髮 / 吳孟純 Co-hosts Hair & Makeup Artist / Nancy WU 造型師 / 吳曉芳 Hair Stylist / Sarah WU 彩妝師 / 鄭泰忠 Makeup Artist / Teddy CHENG 京劇團隊 Peking Opera Team 容妝 / 張美芳 Makeup Costume and Hair Manager / CHANG Mei-fang 國光行銷宣傳 / 蕭文華 GuoGuang Opera PR / HSIAO Wen-hua 歌劇團隊 Opera Accompanist 鋼琴伴奏 / 王亮尹 Piano Accompanist / WANG Liang-yin 劇照師 / 林峻永 Production Photographer / LIN Chun-yung 司機 / 張端智 Driver / CHANG Rui-zhi 剪接師 / 曾柏勳 呂威聯 Editors Reork TSENG, William LU 調光師 / 呂威聯 Colorist / William LU 聲音設計 / 連奕程 Sound Designer / Ryan LIEN 英文翻譯與字幕 English Subtitlers Part 1-4 貝美達 Amanda BARROW Part 5 張芸禎 Jenny Yun-Chen CHANG 特別感謝 Special Thanks 衛武營國家藝術文化中心技術部 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying) - Technical Management 國光劇團 GuoGuang Opera Company

At our company, we believe in breaking free from the ordinary. This belief is reflected in our name, Crazy Family Productions. While "normal" may conform to the expected, we strive to push beyond limitations and redefine standards. Embracing uniqueness over conformity, we welcome the unconventional with open arms. We view "crazy" as a source of limitless creativity and fresh ideas, leading us to innovative paths of inspiration and originality.

Before getting in touch with us

Crafting videos can feel like diving into a sea of endless possibilities, and we’re here to help navigate those waters. Take, for example, a music video: it could be brought to life with a budget of NT$200,000 or soar to new heights with a multi-million NT dollar investment. That’s where having a clear vision comes in handy. Consider your budget, target audience, and preferred platform—be it Facebook, Instagram Reels, TikTok, the big screen, or TV. With these elements in mind, reaching out to us can lead to a more rewarding collaboration, bringing your vision to life in ways you never imagined. Let’s make magic happen together!

What We Do

Educational Videos

Documentaries, Interviews, Masterclasses series, Lesson Plan Building

Our team has collaborated with esteemed institutions and educators to produce engaging educational videos, including online classes, interviews, and documentaries, tailored to meet the needs of our audience. Beyond just a meticulously crafted lesson plan, we understand the importance of captivating visual and audio elements in delivering effective educational content. Let us help you transform your ideas into impactful learning experiences that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Video Editors

Editing & Sound Design

Need your videos edited?

With a wealth of experience in music and captivating editing techniques, our team is well-equipped to bring your footage to life for your marketing or social media needs. Whether it's polishing existing content or creating something entirely new, we're here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out—let's collaborate and make your vision shine!

Work Sample

Product Advert Videos

Promote your products

Our track record includes partnering with a diverse range to produce engaging promotional videos tailor-made for their social media platforms. With our highly creative team at the helm, we're adept at working swiftly and effectively within your budget constraints. Let's team up to amplify your brand's message and captivate your audience like never before!



PR & Marketing Videos

Our team has gained considerable expertise in filming interviews for corporate and marketing purposes. We've collaborated with esteemed clients like GiA, the National Theater, and Weiwuying. Let's discuss how we can bring your vision to life through authentic and engaging storytelling.


-Orson Welles

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